
Two youngsters jumped into a Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) student’s jam session to move like Jackson. The student pounded on a snare drum and a makeshift set of assorted buckets with a friendly sign asking for donations for his VCU tuition.

The boys moonwalked and strutted their stuff to the rhythm of the music. But the Michael clones beat it when their mommies called them — and when the cheers faded.

Bull Run Foot Clinic Staff

The Bull Run Foot Clinic has always opened its doors to the young adults looking for opportunities in the medical and business industry. Eager students may find paid internships or part-time work if they visit their area healthcare clinics.

Tina, a Pre-Med student at James Madison University, works in the Bull Run Foot Clinic during every school break. Nursing, Biology, Psychology, Dental, and even Marketing students, have all raced up and down the halls of the clinics absorbing any knowledge for the future career.

Doctors and administrators encourage these students to take advantage of the experience and enjoy watching these students blossom in life.


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The young ladies of the month — the graduates — sport the traditional white dresses under their scholarly cap and gown. But if your eyes stray to their feet, you may gasp. These young adults of today are strutting in shoes that may end up crippling their feet.

Laura, a Bull Run Foot Clinic assistant, graduated last week. She understands the consequences of high heels, however, being fashionable was more important. Her shoes, as well as the footwear for 95% of the ladies on the stage, were terrifying. Straps, and platforms with 4 to 6 inch spikes were the style for the evening.

The Washington Post reported today that high heels can put stress on the feet, ankles, knees, and back triggering pain throughout the body.

Laura promised me that the weapons on her feet will not be a common practice — this was a special occasion. However, for the ladies that wear them daily, reconsider your footwear. Women’s foot surgeries contribute to $3.5 billion in annual spending to combat the after effects of high heels.

The last few months have been busy for Theresa. She has spent a lot of time at George Mason University to stay on top of the transformation in healthcare marketing.

Theresa said, “Healthcare practices are slowly getting on board with the  tools to help bridge the communication gap between doctor and patient.”

Interactive websites, social media, and community outreach programs are options available for doctors to merge into their practices.

Theresa said,  ” Mason offers exciting courses in the Communication discipline to challenge business professionals. Continuing education is important, especially in healthcare.  It is also a good idea to keep your mind stimulated.  A healthy mind fuels a healthy lifestyle.”

Mason’s Media Relations sat down with Theresa recently to discuss the opportunities in adult education:

It’s hard to face the future.  Aging and retirement seems like a distant future, however it creeps up on us.

Merrill Edge, the brokerage arm for Bank of America has a new app that will age you to put you into retirement planning mode.  I tried the app and it scared me.  I am not a botox-plastic surgery kinda girl, but maybe I should consider it for the future after seeing myself at age 87.  Ugh!


Meet the future you

Theresa Coates Age 87

The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming — and so are the goodies and drinking that can add 10 pounds to your scale in a weekend party.

But how to keep it off? Be strong and avoid the sugary, fatty foods that will just accumulate on your waist, hips, and bottom. The booze is loaded with calories as well. Buffets are always plentiful in the upcoming season of good tidings of joy.

Try to avoid anything white — sugar, flour, pasta, bread, rice — and stick with color, that is, veggies and fruits (not chocolate and cookies). Drink 8 glasses of water a day and if you must have a spiked eggnog or champagne toast, have a small glass and sip throughout the night. Moderation may keep you safe as well.

If you slip and indulge too much, do extra exercise. Hit the gym, take a class, or go out and dance the night away:
ElfYourself by OfficeMax – JibJab

jeff hillman bballThe media was buzzing about Jeff Hillman, the New York City homeless man who resurfaced without shoes — again.  Larry DePrimo, a kind New York City policeman,  bought Hillman socks and new boots on November 14th. 
 But once again – Hillman was in bare feet.  He said that he hid the boots because they were expensive.  Unfortunately, the feet are suffering from the frigid weather. 
Reports said that Hillman is, in fact, not homeless.  He has an apartment in the New York area and his family said that he chooses this lifestyle on the streets.   
Hillman was not always seeking a boot hand-out.  He attended South Plainfield High School, NJ and graduated in 1976.  Hillman (#21) played on the basketball team as pictured in yearbook.  He was a master at dribbling.  
It is unfortunate that an individual can resort to such a sad state of life.  The New York police officer performed an admirable deed that happened to be caught by a tourist photo.   Some people think the officer was conned.  The boots may be hidden — or sold, but I am sure other kind-hearted people will give Hillman more assistance without the flash of a camera.       
A frigid night in Time Square left a homeless man shivering in the
street with blistered bare feet on Nov. 14.  NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo,
25 went into a nearby Skechers store and bought him a new pair of
socks and all-weather boots.  Skechers gave him a discount.  The image
went viral — a random act of kindness from one fine young man.
Click here for NBC LA‘s story >>> http://4.nbcla.com/SwyUMv
ny cop and feet
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This week’s announcement that Hostess Brands is filing for bankruptcy is filling me with mixed emotions.
Ho Hos, Twinkies, Dolly Madison, Drake’s and Eddy’s are basically junk food. I found it funny that a 1970 era commercial for Ho Hos emphasized that they were fortified with vitamins and iron. Maybe that’s why my mom stuck them in my school lunchbox back in the 70s.

Today we are smarter consumers. A diet with Twinkies and Ho Hos would do nothing but add a spare tire to our waist. Even though saying farewell to the nostalgic snack giant, founded in 1930, is better for our health, it is sad to see 18,500 jobs being lost.

Kat working with the elephants in South Africa at Knysna Elephant Park

My hippie, vegan, Biology major, animal-hugging college daughter, Kat, shared the song and video below. She posted it to me to listen to when I study (read and work). We are both college students at the moment.

Kat went to the Kynsna Elephant Park, South Africa, one summer with an organization called Personal Overseas Development (POD).  It was the best experience in her life and fueled her passion to be involved in conservation studies.

Her goal is to save the planet, especially the animals. My goal is to keep my healthcare business humming to help fund her goal to save the planet.

What do you think of this “calming” tune?  Any other suggestions?

Bull Run Foot Clinic

Ph (703)368-1800 Fax (703)392-4820
Mon. to Fri.: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Bull Run Foot Clinic Staff

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